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插画家Carson Ting 是温哥华工作室的联合创始人。这是一张温哥华的详细地图,有漫威人物和变形金刚贯穿整个城市。

We are a tiny studio based in Vancouver. In fact, we’re so tiny that we named our company Chairman Ting Industries Inc. just to be silly. However, although tiny we still have the capability to scale up to take on bigger and more diverse projects if required by bringing in very capable partners. We have direct access to the very best people in the business such as our friends at Tangible Interaction, Gamomo Creative Labs, Hubert Kang Photography, Lemonni Design, Votee, Ryan Leeson Creative Direction, Generate App and much more. Think of us as a group of friends that love to work on cool projects whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图

Carson Ting 巨幅温哥华手绘地图



