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Could you endure living in London on just £100 in six months? That’s the challenge Sheffield photographer and music presenter CK Goldiing set himself when he moved to the capital in July with just a small money, a bag of clothes and his good camera. But he certainly needed to earn some cash along the way, which is why he started the #100Musicians challenge – providing 100 musicians with beautiful new press photographs for their promotional purposes in exchange for whatever donations they could provide – so being able to pay for his accommodation, food, water and transport.

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏

CK Goldiing 纪实摄影欣赏



