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瑞典艺术家Emma Lindström 用色彩描绘出了一组关于生命的艺术。

This is my artwork. Although, I would not call it work. This is what I want to do, what I have to do in life. This is the path I found, or the path that found me, one which I’ve never been able to stray from since.

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

Emma Lindström 艺术作品欣赏

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