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以其超现实和梦幻般的视觉而闻名,Erika Zolli 的摄影将抽象的组成力与魔法现实主义的情感力量结合在一起,画面看起来非常特别和全新的审美。在这个新的项目中,我们回到纯粹的简约主义,从黑白的唯一选择已经可以看出。

The whole project is inspired by the theory of variants. It shows how the energy of man’s thoughts ends up in a field of space around it, called the space of variants, giving rise to the material realization of the variant itself. In “Geometric Variants” are represented: space, intended as a background made up of repeated geometric shapes, the subject and the creation of the variant date, represented by the union between the subject and his choice of how and where to position himself in relation to space.

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏

Erika Zolli 分形抽象摄影作品欣赏



