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来自Simone Massoni 的一组性感优雅的的字体设计欣赏《Chicks & Type》,

Choosing the right one. What a problem. I mean – if you look at them, with their different personalities and sexy curves, how can you prefer one over another? Maybe you like long legs, or are fascinated by bold shapes – but then you see that elegant thin one and you just cant’ help falling in love…
Now, maybe it’s a question of age. Young, I was fascinated by Californian types: quirky, exotic in a contemporary way, the ones to spend the night having fun with. But then, growing up, I started to find them a bit too childish, and cute in a cheap way: and realized the class of something more modern would suit me better.

Chicks Type (6)

Chicks Type (1)

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Chicks Type (3)

Chicks Type (4)

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Chicks Type (7)

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