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来自以色列摄影师Yoav Friedlander 一组系列摄影作品《A Form of View》,一组关于“小世界”的微观摄影。

Photography altered the way I have experienced reality by providing me with a similar experience approximate to reality that is yet different. What exists is different from how it is mapped in a photograph. Many of our understandings of reality and our relation to objects, people and landscapes are being described by photographs and have never being experienced by us in person. Photography at times diffused itself so well into consciousness that we find ourselves considering what is real to be different from how it should be according to its own image.

Yoav Friedlander (1)

Yoav Friedlander (2)

Yoav Friedlander (3)

Yoav Friedlander (4)

Yoav Friedlander (5)

Yoav Friedlander (6)

Yoav Friedlander (7)

Yoav Friedlander (8)

Yoav Friedlander (9)

Yoav Friedlander (10)

Yoav Friedlander (11)

Yoav Friedlander (12)

Yoav Friedlander (13)

Yoav Friedlander (14)

Yoav Friedlander (15)

Yoav Friedlander (16)



