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Aaron Campbell是来自加拿大温哥华的一位有才华的数字插画家和设计师。

I’m Aaron (also known as Ecstatic throughout the expanse of the internet), a designer and illustrator based in Vancouver, BC. I’m a sucker for bright gradients and the ever so useful pen tool. Since 2008 at the age of 14, I’ve been working diligently on digital art and graphic design, having joined several international art collectives such as Evokeone, Cosmosys, Intrinsic Nature and SlashThree. I’m a recent grad from Capilano University’s IDEA program where I continued to develop my design and illustration skills into what they are today.

Aaron Campbell (1)

Aaron Campbell (2)

Aaron Campbell (3)

Aaron Campbell (4)

Aaron Campbell (5)

Aaron Campbell (6)

Aaron Campbell (7)

Aaron Campbell (8)

Aaron Campbell (9)

Aaron Campbell (10)

Aaron Campbell (11)

Aaron Campbell (12)



