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来自Alexandra Pacula的一组镜头模糊后的城市夜景,迷人而又富于神秘感。

I recreate the feeling of dizziness and confusion by letting the paint blur and allowing shapes to dissolve. I suggest motion in order to slow down the scene and capture the fleeting moments, which tend to be forgotten. The sense of motion is intensified with the use of quick vigorous lines and sharp perspectives. By interpreting lights in graphic or painterly ways, I create a sense of space, alluding to a hallucinogenic experience. I want the viewer’s eye to travel within my composition and experience a familiar, exhilarating event of an actual nightly excursion.

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景

Alexandra Pacula 焦点模糊的城市夜景



