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Kayla Glover 是一位哈利波特的忠实粉丝,她把自己三个月大的娃cos成了哈利波特的样子,真真是可爱蠢萌的令人流口水啊!

I’m Kayla 🙂 I’m a wife to my wonderful husband Bradley, first time mom to my gorgeous baby girl Lorelai Grace, dog/cat mom to Chordelia, Yadier, & Gemma, and aspiring photographer whose just begun building the foundation of her own little picture takin’ business called Kayla Layla Photography.

Kayla Glover 儿童摄影欣赏 哈利波特Cosplay

Kayla Glover 儿童摄影欣赏 哈利波特Cosplay

Kayla Glover 儿童摄影欣赏 哈利波特Cosplay

Kayla Glover 儿童摄影欣赏 哈利波特Cosplay

Kayla Glover 儿童摄影欣赏 哈利波特Cosplay

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