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这一系列的摄影,围绕着一棵树-The Broccoli Tree,瑞典摄影师Patrik Svedberg 在过去的2年,在各种气候和条件下,捕捉到到的这一个树的姿态,

I often get the question – ”What’s the story about the tree?” If there is one, I’m probably writing it right now. No buried vikings or epic battles in the past, to my knowledge.

My name is Patrik Svedberg and I’m a photographer, born and based in Sweden, at the southern tip of the second largest lake in the country, lake Vättern.

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态

The Broccoli Tree 树的姿态



