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来自 Samantha Paige 的一组清新的lomo摄影。

I’m Samantha Paige, 22 years old. I’ve been practicing photography for going on 3 years now, it’s my passion. My saying in photography has always been “don’t delete the accident pictures save them, you never know what you can create out of it.” i’m no where near perfect, but i love what i do. I love expressing myself through a photo capturing the beauties of the world. Don’t go looking for inspiration just go out and let it come to you. that’s what my work is based on i don’t look for my inspiration i don’t try i go out and do it and it just comes to me, i connect with the earth and the elements around me and that’s what comes out in my photo’s. I believe if you take a picture of your shadow it will turn out. i have an incredible imagination , i’m constantly thinking and coming up with new idea’s i’m always pushing myself to doing better.

Samantha Paige 清新的lomo摄影欣赏
Samantha Paige 清新的lomo摄影欣赏
Samantha Paige 清新的lomo摄影欣赏
Samantha Paige 清新的lomo摄影欣赏
Samantha Paige 清新的lomo摄影欣赏



