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Martin Stranka 在过去8年里,完成了一组系列作品,叫做《寂静》,就像一本日记。

Being alone is not bad. In fact, it is a time to meditate, discover yourself. It is time for inner peace. In this world of chaos and distractions, we have gotten into a habit of not stopping, being busy and surrounding ourselves with things that are loud, disturbing and continuous. Being alone in the silence is actually one of the healthiest moments you can have with yourself. The series “I Found The Silence” shows us in different moments of our inner peace and discovering yourself.

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像

Martin Stranka 孤独的自画像



