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动物摄影师Wiebke Haas 带来的一组马的肖像摄影欣赏,一组充满着力量的优雅作品。

I’m a German based animal photographer, currently specialized on equine photography.
Horses, dogs and all the other creatures are playing the biggest role in my photography world. The magic, grace, wildness and gentleness of our four-legged friends are the greatest subjects I can imagine.
I’m capturing the animal like it is. I’m capturing the animal, like we want to see it. And sometimes I’m capturing the things, we refuse to believe.

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏

Wiebke Haas 马的肖像摄影欣赏



