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来自 Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品,非常有趣的作品,结合了手绘与拼贴,一同分享给大家。

Cassidy lives and works in her downtown home studio in Columbus, Ohio.
She was born in 1985, OH USA
Cassidy is an abstract painter/ illustrator working on linen with acrylic, collage and inks. Her concerns are with rich-juicy colors, textures and surface qualities to create life-affirming visual meditations. Limbach plays with a spectrum of candy colored pastels intermingled with ornate design.
She is inspired with the nature of both humans and animals alike and tends to present them in different roles. Her provocative designs are shown in a matter of poise but still remain very personal and demand attention.

Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品欣赏
Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品欣赏
Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品欣赏
Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品欣赏
Cassidy Rae Limbach 插画作品欣赏



