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摄影师Amanda Jones 拍摄狗二十多年。这一次的系列摄影来自于这位拥有细腻感知的摄影师,主题是Faithful Friends Then & Now,记录了我们忠实的朋友现在以及之前的肖像合影。其中有一些狗狗已经离开了我们,但是关于爱的感觉一直留在我们身边。

Some don’t seem to age at all, yet others show the signs quite openly in their eyes, their jowls, and their gray hair,” Jones told the Daily Mail. “It is this semblance of ourselves and our souls in their eyes that gives us such a deep connection with dogs. One thing that remains constant is the love people and dogs have for each other. That does not change, no matter how many dog years go by.

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Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏

Amanda Jones 狗狗摄影欣赏



