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来自儿童插画家Betsy Snyder的一组可爱的儿童插画欣赏。

Betsy Snyder is an award-winning children’s book author and illustrator, most recently earning a place in the Society of Illustrator’s The Original Art 2012 exhibition. Her book, I Haiku You, was selected as a “New Classic” by Scholastic Parent & Child. Betsy loves to create smile-inspiring art for kids and the young at heart—you can see her colorful collages and cute images on all kinds of things, from children’s books to board games to stickers to greeting cards. Betsy lives in near Cleveland, Ohio, where she shares a studio with her graphic-designer husband.

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

Betsy Snyder 儿童插画欣赏

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