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Claire Harvey 是英国艺术家,带来的一组孤独寂寞的灰白色作品。

Claire Harvey describes her own practice as “following ideas that are ephemeral…moments that have gone, and the accumulation of particular acts.” Working across painting and installation, Harvey is best known for her miniature, monochromatic depictions of nondescript figures—drawn from newspapers, films, and magazines—lost in thought or performing small tasks, and echoing an ambiguous sense of loneliness and isolation. If not working on canvas, Harvey uses common, disposable, or semi-transparent materials in creating her works, such as clear tape, sticky tack, and Post-It notes, either applied directly onto walls or cast as partial silhouettes using overhead projectors.

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术

Claire Harvey 寂寞孤独的绘画艺术



