David Szauder 于1976年出生于匈牙利。 他曾在EötvösLoránd大学学习艺术史,并在布达佩斯的匈牙利美术大学学习Intermedia。 2008/2009,David在赫尔辛基阿尔托大学的艺术,设计和建筑学院学习了一年的奖学金计划。他于2009年搬到柏林,开始在匈牙利文化研究所(.CHB)担任媒体艺术家和策展人。在过去四年中,他参与并参与了各种艺术和媒体项目,展览和放映。 该研究所。自2010年以来,David一直在柏林和布达佩斯领导互动媒体研讨会,他是HFF波茨坦的客座讲师。
“I am inspired by the parallels what I see between human memory and computer memory: Our brains store away images to retrieve them later, like files stored away on a hard drive. But when we go back and try to re-access those memories, we may find them to be corrupted in some way–glitched, if you will. When we see a picture (photo) we are able to remember the details, but only for [a] short period. In [the] long term we start to lose parts of the details and instead of these lost fragments we fill the gaps with our self-generated memories, memory fragments”