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来自波兰摄影师Jakub Polomski 的一组单色摄影作品《罗弗敦群岛》。

For me photography means travels, light and time. I was born in 1985, but the photography has started interesting me when I was 20 years old. Inspired by photos which I saw in one of the issues of National Geographic, I borrowed DSLR from a friend and then it began… Since 2007, I have been awarded with several prizes and commendations in various photography contests. However by far the most important for me is National Geographic Poland statuette gained for the first place in category “Polish Landscape” in 2010.

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛

 Jakub Polomski 罗弗敦群岛



