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韩国艺术家Kim Hyun 为2018年年历设计的一组插画。

My work originates from a longing for my childhood, which I remember fondly as being full of joy and curiosity. My childhood was by far the warmest, most innocent and emotionally stable period of my life. Life as an adult can be uncertain, and at times like this I take refuge through my art by searching for that curious kid again. To me, drawings are a response to longing and a passage that allows me to escape from everyday life. I usually cover warm, sensitive and universal topics in my work. I like to tell familiar stories that nearly anyone can relate to from their own childhood experiences. Games, toys, friends, and nature are good subjects for art so I take these and use them to explore subjects like innocence, dreams, illusions, happiness, warmth and excitement.

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏

Kim Hyun 儿童插画欣赏



