Mike Mellia 是来自纽约的摄影师,喜欢创造简单的艺术形象,在镜头中探索复杂的概念和故事。Mellia在夏天的时候开始了一组系列人像自拍《A Selfie a Day Keeps the Doctor Away》,本系列探讨了科技,艺术,广告和流行文化的横截面,一同分享给大家。
In social media, the prototypical ‘selfie’ usually lies at one of two extremes: either mundane normalcy or unbridled megalomania,” Mike explains. “In this work I photograph myself and include captions that highlight the surreal, the banal, the duplicitous, or the exhibitionist aspects of photography that technology is encouraging.
2009-2024 by 苏打苏塔 设计量贩铺 | 版权保留.