来自Mónica Etcheverry的一组关于爱与生活的摄影作品。
In September 2010, Mónica discovered photography and a whole, wonderful world opened up for her. She started taking photos of birds at first, then she met a friend who taught her many things about photography. She wishes to learn new things, and further develop her skills in this field.
<img alt=”Mónica Etcheverry 生活之感动” src=”http://proxy.xgres.com/downloadPicture.php?http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7410/9710060848_277aef1921_z.jpg” width=”640″ height=”427″ />
2009-2024 by 苏打苏塔 设计量贩铺 | 版权保留.