时装模特儿/刺绣艺术家Sheena Liam(粘悦馨) 带来的一组手工绣花作品,在绣花圈上完成的长辫子的女孩子们。从法国辫子,凌乱的小圆面包和长长的马尾辫等等,描绘了一个个秀美纤细的女孩子们。
My mother taught me when I was young but I found it boring and repetitive. I travel and model a lot so I´m always filling up the slow times with any classes I can get into, in whatever city I´m stuck in. I was in Singapore drawing a lot for a zine I wanted to produce. I had an idea for an embroidered piece with the braids hanging out of the frame. People were really excited about it, so I kept making them.
2009-2024 by 苏打苏塔 设计量贩铺 | 版权保留.