有些友谊是令人难以置信的,但是实际上,很多友谊总是在恰当的时间出现温暖你的心!这一次的故事,讲述的是一个牧羊犬英戈和猫头鹰波尔迪之间的友谊!Ingo 和它的朋友们是来自Tanja Brandt 家,Brandt 是一位令人难以置信的动物摄影师。
“I’ve always loved animals, since I was a baby, unlike the rest of my family”- said Tanja to Bored Panda in 2015. “When I was little, I found every sort of pet and then hid it from my parents. I love the beauty, power, loyalty, courage, and friendship of animals. Many people could learn from them.”
2009-2024 by 苏打苏塔 设计量贩铺 | 版权保留.
😀 真好