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Zaha Hadid 建筑事务所设计的建筑如此复杂和复杂,使得照片看起来像是3d渲染而不是完整的建筑。他们最近推出的是Morpheus,这是澳门梦幻城度假村的旗舰酒店。

Morpheus combines its optimal arrangement with structural integrity and sculptural form. The design is intriguing as it makes no reference to traditional architectural typologies.

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏

The Morpheus Hotel 建筑摄影欣赏



