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Yulia Shevchenko, 或者被称作 Yulia She 带来的一组以花朵和芭蕾为主题的清新水彩插画。

I’m Yulia Shevchenko, a watercolor artist. Watercolor is my passion, my life… after my son and husband)
Most beloved objects are bird and other wildlife creatures. Also I adore to paint stillife of a kind of illustration way. But I have to tell you nothing more inspiring than everyday surrounding, such as a simple things as a sky, clouds, colorful fall trees, enormous variety of flowers…,I could continue endlessly, you know.

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

Yulia She 水彩与芭蕾 手绘插画欣赏

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6 个评论

  1. 匿名说道:

  2. 黎花林说道:

    ➡ More

  3. 匿名说道:

    😀 😀 好看

  4. 匿名说道:

    🙂 ➡

  5. a说道:


  6. 匿名说道:

    😮 😮
