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在阿根廷时装和广告摄影师Celeste Martearena的个人项目“Skin”中,制作一个发人深省和视觉魅力的系列。随着裸色方案以及人类和动物的对比,一些令人印象深刻的细微的肖像摄影。

My affair with photography started back when I was seven and during my teens and adulthood it really sunk in.
I was instructed in audiovisual production, art direction, creativity and direction of photography.
Since 2008 I work as an independent professional photographer for advertising agencies, editorials, fashion, musicians and companies.
Passion is my ultimate guideline.
In every second of my life where I shall find light, there will also stand my obsession to interpret it, translate it, treat it as my own to project feelings and ideas.

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》

Celeste Martearena 系列摄影《Skin》



