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画家Jeffrey Beauchamp 分享给我们一组抽象手绘艺术作品。

As kids we are generally encouraged to use and cultivate our imaginations, though once we reach adulthood the pressures of everyday existence tend to hone our more practical survival skills and leave our younger minds to fend for themselves. As an artist I can postpone certain aspects of growing up in the name of staying creative: while painting, for instance, I find a sort of disciplined daydreaming works quite well. With these new larger works the daydreaming took the form of squinting into the painty distance, “magic eye”- style, and feeling the possibilities of depth and visual adventure in there. The discipline, beyond just showing up in the morning and keeping out of the comfy chair as much as possible, consisted of avoiding any over-resolving of the images into too easily-digested landscape clichés. The results have, at first, a new vigor and charm that I think bear up under longer scrutiny, the layers of suggestive brush and knife work emerging slowly from the stormy surfaces. It is that balance between the paint itself and deep illusionary space that is more precarious in these pieces, more conflicting and interesting than in most of my earlier work.

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏

Jeffrey Beauchamp 手绘艺术欣赏



