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来自Lilo Raymond 的一组安静的黑白摄影欣赏。

Born in 1922, in Frankfurt, Germany, Raymond fled the Nazi regime when she was 16 years old. She settled in Manhattan, where she became part of the bohemian Greenwich Village art scene, taking various jobs as an artist’s model, waitress, and tennis pro. She came to find her poetic vision when she studied with the legendary photographer and fine art printer David Vestal at the Photo League. She began exhibiting her work at various galleries in the 1970s, eventually moving to the Hudson Valley later in life.

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏

Lilo Raymond 安静的黑白摄影欣赏



