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这一组充满着色彩和童趣的编织艺术,来自于 Magda Sayeg

My passion is with the material: I love displacing hand made, mostly knitted, material in environments where it seemingly doesn’t belong… only to discover that they can coexist quite harmoniously. I understand the limitations of this medium intimately, and I continue to challenge it. There is a transformation that occurs when I cover an inanimate object with soft hand made material. This interaction changes the object without taking away its identity or paralyzing its original function. It is this unplanned arrangement of the material that makes these objects come to life, become sculptural and even redefine or reinterpret a space.The exploration of environmental change drives me: provoking the world to be a more challenging, unconventional, and interesting place.

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术

Magda Sayeg 充满童趣的手工编织艺术



