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来自Reem Al Faisal 的一组安静的旅行影像日记,一组带着人文气息的黑白摄影欣赏。

« I like to define myself as a Muslim artist, sprung from my native Saudi culture and history. In my art I am seeking to show signs of the Divine in nature and in Man. For me, light is one of the many manifestations of God. Which He casts in our path through life to remind us of His constant presence in ourselves and in every place. Every photograph is a pattern of light and shade. For me, my photography is a way to praise God’s glory in the universe. »

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏

Reem Al Faisal 黑白摄影欣赏



