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来自Tim Maclean的一组夸张的讽刺漫画,关于那些耳熟能详的超级英雄们!

Tim Maclean is an artist from the Highlands of Scotland. He creates surreal paintings which explore the mystery of consciousness and how it is shaped by language and culture. Focus is placed upon our everyday conceptions of the mind, along with past and present discoveries in psychology and neuroscience and how we engage with these to better understand ourselves.

The otherworldly environments of Tim’s paintings are populated with characters and figures inspired by the ages of history, pop culture and myth, among others and his own unique imagination supplies the rest.

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄

Tim Maclean 的超级英雄



