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艺术家 Valerie Hammond 将干燥的花朵和蕨类植物包裹在一层薄薄的蜡中,以保护它们的脆弱组织。并用这些元素勾勒出两只手的轮廓。尽管这些精美的作品一开始只是简单的痕迹,但艺术家很快就开始用压制的花卉图案覆盖原始绘画,创造出令人迷惑的组合,“回响了人体的骨骼,静脉和循环系统”。

The works suddenly inhabited a space I had been searching for, straddling the indefinable boundary between presence and absence, material and immaterial, consciousness and the unconscious. For me, they became emblematic not only of the people whose hands I had traced but of my own evolving artistic process—testimony to the passing of time and the quiet dissolution of memory.

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

Valerie Hammond 万物生长

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