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来自英国卡马森郡的自由图形设计师 Richard Davies的一组非常漂亮的手绘名人插画作品。

My name is Richard Davies . I’m a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, currently residing in south Wales.
I’ve been working as a graphic designer for over 10 years predominantly working with print and corporateidentity. However under the name of Turksworks I freelance, offering my skills as a a designer and illustrator. The last 12 months has seen me produce work for publications such as Rolling Stone magazine as well as various online magazines and websites. Design and illustration has always been a big passion of mine and I am always looking to develop my work and adapt to the constantly changing design industry, hoping to inspire others along the way.

Richard Davies 插画作品欣赏
Richard Davies 插画作品欣赏
Richard Davies 插画作品欣赏
Richard Davies 插画作品欣赏
Richard Davies 插画作品欣赏



