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来自艺术家Tanya Miller 的一组宛如噩梦般的诡异的插画艺术欣赏

When creating works of art it is important to me that they are meaningful, beautiful, positive and emotional. Beautiful – because there is too much ugliness in today’s world. Meaningful – because without meaning life would be empty and worthless. Positive – because positive art is my escape from the hardship of reality. Emotional because when we feel we live. Art is my past, my present and my future . It is my life.

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏

Tanya Miller 诡异的插画艺术欣赏



  1. 不渝说道:

    🙂 画的好棒!
