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一起进入韩国插画家 So Youn Lee 的梦境吧!

Born in 1984 in Korea, So Youn Lee left her native country to pursue her art career in the United States, where she studied at the Art Center of Pasadena and received a BFA in 2012. Lee resides and works in Los Angeles, CA.

Recognized for her ethereal, dream-like aesthetic, Lee’s work evolved from figurative art into her signature art style, which centers around an alien-like no-gender character named ‘Mango’. Inspired by her experience as an Asian female immigrant in the USA, Lee paints narratives of human existence as aliens and voyagers with ‘Mango’.

So Youn Lee 个性插画作品欣赏

So Youn Lee 个性插画作品欣赏

So Youn Lee 个性插画作品欣赏

So Youn Lee 个性插画作品欣赏

So Youn Lee 个性插画作品欣赏


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