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来自韩国艺术家Andrew Hou 的一组充满着想象力的幻想插画欣赏。

Andrew started his art career at the beginning of the digital painting boom. With a background in computer science and a passion in art, Andrew flourished in this era, building his skills from the ground up. He was one of the founders of Udon Comics, where he worked on various titles for Marvel, Wildstorm, Capcom, etc. He is best known for his work on numerous Dungeons and Dragons and Street Fighter comics series, and the videogames, “Street Fighter Evolution” and “APB”. His art has been featured in Exposé, Exotique, and ImagineFX.

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏

Andrew Hou 幻想插画欣赏



