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The house was designed for a couple that decided to work from home, so they could spend more time with their young children. The home has an open plan dining/living area, that allows the parents to keep an eye on the children from their offices behind the glass and aluminum partitions seen on the left. The home has a combined dining room and kitchen, with the dining room kept bright, and the kitchen featuring darker materials to define the spaces.

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏

B House 建筑摄影欣赏



