ChocoToy cute 为委内瑞拉人制造的新品牌Ela化妆品所做的更好的品牌设计!以“委内瑞拉之歌”为参考,象征“DESERT”,“JUNGLE SNOW”和“VOLCANO”这两个词,并将它们塑造成以现代和非常流行的方式出现在品牌中的元素, 和产品质量。
Born from the union of creativity, craziness, anger, talent, emotions, with a characteristic outline and colors that catch the attention of anyone. Nicely shapes that make you laugh just to see it, a style you are unaccustomed to see but you do like it. Is a mixture of a toy or a that candy that always make you laugh and enjoy. This is CHOCOTOY, a new brand to enjoy it, share it, and use it made it for young VENEZUELANn people…