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荷兰画家Daniel Martin 的作品介于现实主义和抽象之间。

Daniel Martin’s most recent work comprises explicit portraits of defiled faces, and the images have an unsettling expression. It feels like the portraits were deliberately damaged after the painting was completed. This consciously cultivated spontaneity in painting is intrinsic to Martin’s work. A misshapen tree, that imperfection of beauty, is a source of inspiration to Daniel Martin. A ratio affected by chaos. That violation of appearance is anonymous and sidelines the individual’s identity and character, and it makes the faces dissolve or return in nature’s chaos.

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏

Daniel Martin 抽象肖像插画欣赏



