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Daniela Majic 是居住在加拿大安大略省的一个人像摄影师。Daniela Majic 的作品充满着梦幻和童话般的故事。

Daniela Majic is a Portrait photographer residing in Ontario Canada. Daniela tells dreamy and fairytale-like stories with her imagination and eye for detail. Daniela’s work is always injected with a creative sense of style and she has been known for designing, sewing & creating wardrobe as well as propping for many of her editorial shoots. Daniela’s work can be seen in publications across the globe. Daniela has photographed fashion in Toronto, Paris & London.

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏

Daniela Majic 时尚摄影欣赏



