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珠宝设计师Dari Chernikova 创办了品牌 Dari。一组简约的,会折射出自然光线的珠宝设计。

Jewelry area for me is not just a possibility of professional development. This is a separate world, where every day I build and create, try on different roles, constantly learn new things and look for new ways to talk about important things. Simplicity and minimalism are the main vectors in work and private life for me. Here I mean daily unobtrusive asceticism in thoughts, behavior, and emotional attachments, I feel closer to the natural, light austerity in all things. In addition, I am an adept of healthy lifestyle and refuse consciously what can hurt me or any other creature. Vegetarianism (and later veganism) and charity are the ways of interacting with the world which I share.

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏

Dari Chernikova 珠宝设计欣赏



