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来自Gabriel Silveira 的一组造型夸张可爱的卡通商业插画欣赏。

Hi, my name is Gabriel Silveira, I’m an illustrator/infographic artist/graphic designer working in São Paulo, Brazil. I’ve been in the illustration market since 2006, having worked as a freelancer for pretty much every major magazine and newspaper in Brazil and a few foreign clients. Since 2010 I’ve been part of the awarded infographics team of iG, one of Brazil’s top news site.

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

Gabriel Silveira 卡通商业插画欣赏

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