阿姆斯特丹的艺术家Giselle Quinto 用针线记录下来了安静的时刻。作品采用精确的黑色线条勾勒出一系列发型,从短小精灵剪裁到女人手随便举行的一连串卷发。颜色往往在她的设计中谨慎使用,通常仅用作植物,花朵,嘴唇和脸颊的重点。
Giselle was born in Brasilia, Brazil, and made Amsterdam her home. Her work brings an anarchic view to classic embroidery, revisiting old traditions and transforming it in protest for equality, where all have the right to be and live whoever they are.
2009-2024 by 苏打苏塔 设计量贩铺 | 版权保留.