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来自Vasilij Betin拍摄的一组时尚摄影《Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served》。


This project was conceived to raise the level of the fashion industry in eastern Russia. At the same time it touches the deep social problems of the modern world.
Do we wait for the second coming of the savior, or is time itself activities salvation of the world.

photo: Vasilij Betin
model: Tanya Zlobina
Fashion designer: Elena Rudermel

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served

Joan Of Arc on Fashion Served



