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来自天才艺术家Kevin Best的一组超现实主义复古风格的静物摄影作品。

I have always been a story teller and I love the deep thought that is required to create a narrative using objects alone. I choose to photograph in the style of the Dutch Golden Age because much of what they experienced is with us today: fear of religious outsiders, the guilt of being wealthy while others struggle, and a sense of wonder at new discoveries. Still Life can capture universal truths, while still allowing individual interpretation.

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏

Kevin Best 静物摄影欣赏



