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Kimberly Salt 是纽约的一名自由插画师。她的作品充满了世俗的内在魔力和生物的独特的节奏。

Kimberly Salt is an illustrator currently working for Facebook’s Cultural Moments team in the Bay Area. A native New Yorker, Kim has worked with various clients on editorial illustration, as well as a few commercial projects. Her work celebrates the inner magic of the mundane and the unique rhythms of living things.

In her spare time, she can often be found sipping coffee, reading comics, or nurturing her small houseplant brigade.

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

Kim Salt 装饰插画欣赏

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    😀 😀 😀
