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这是一组充满着美好的照片,自然美景,清纯女生,以及清新的lomo小情调,来自于摄影师Laina Briedis。

I create photographs because I’ve come to the conclusion that all the best kinds of happiness depend upon it as far as my existence goes. I want to remember everything the way it was meant to be seen, and catalog not only an experience or an adventure, but the feelings associated with it and the dream-like state our memories record in. I strive to make each one of my photographs not only provoke a memory within myself, but an emotion- something that can bound across the invisible gaps that separate us from one another, creating a connection with someone else who’s able to reach out and grab it.

Laina Briedis (13)

Laina Briedis (1)

Laina Briedis (2)

Laina Briedis (3)

Laina Briedis (4)

Laina Briedis (5)

Laina Briedis (6)

Laina Briedis (7)

Laina Briedis (8)

Laina Briedis (9)

Laina Briedis (10)

Laina Briedis (11)

Laina Briedis (12)

Laina Briedis (14)

Laina Briedis (15)

Laina Briedis (16)

Laina Briedis (17)

Laina Briedis (18)



