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艺术家Paul Pitsker 带来的一组静物水彩作品。

My watercolor paintings depict narrative dilemmas, light-hearted vignettes, or staged existential dramas on a microcosmic scale. My interest is in “delicate subjects,” a term meant not just literally but also figuratively, as in, for example, a contemplation of the fragility of life, or of the inevitability of darkness — ideas we tend to avoid confronting on a more than occasional basis. While my literal subjects are generally small creatures such as insects or small birds, they are presented considerably l arger than life, often on an empty stage with melodramatic lighting fading into a dense, velvety darkness. My paintings are moody elegies that rely on word play, dark humor, and the intrinsic beauty of fragile subjects to relieve the tension of life and death scenarios and puzzling encounters.

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏

Paul Pitsker 手绘艺术欣赏



