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来自Sam Didier 的一组充满着激情的游戏数字艺术插画欣赏。

SAMWISE, aka Sam Didier, has spent his entire artistic career in the entertainment industry. His first job was in cinema. As head usher at the local theater, he spent hours perfecting his artistic chops on bathroom check sheets and on the backs of candy order forms. After leaving the spiritually rewarding job of sweeping up filthy movie theaters at the AMC Orange Mall 6 movie theaters (it is now a Wal-Mart parking lot) he found his true calling and joined the legendary Blizzard Entertainment back in the early Jurassic Period (1991) as one of its first artists and has remained the loyal warrior of the black and blue ever since. Samwise would have loved to have had a more informative bio with all kinds of accomplishments, awards and accolades, but since Samwise had to write this bio up himself, he tried not to kiss his own butt too much. He’s not that flexible anyway. And he didn’t try either.

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏

Sam Didier 数字艺术插画欣赏



